The process of the expertise of identity consists of several stages. After finishing the specialists of the Foundation will give you recommendations on your next actions.
- Application for carrying out the authentication and expert certification:
The applicant by e-mail sends to Petr Konchalovsky Foundation the application for carrying out the authentication and expert certification. In the letter there should be the following data:
- Photos of product with the high resolution of obverse and an underside;
- Data about the prospective author;
- Prospective date of creation;
- The size;
- Technique;
- Basis;
- Data on an origin and provenance;
- At the presence of the certificates of previous examinations, an applicant is obliged to specify by whom and when they had been given out;
- Contact phone.
- Preliminary art historical identification:
After reception of the application the Foundation Council defines date, time and a place of carrying out the preliminary art historical identification. Based on its results the expert-art historian gives out the recommendations to the client-applicant concerning the expediency of carrying out the complex examination in full.

- The complex expert certification:
After carrying out the preliminary art historical identification the client-applicant signs with the Art Consulting the contract about technological and art historical examination.
If the negative conclusion concerning the authenticity is accepted according the results of technological examination, then the client pays only the technological examination cost.
Performing the complex examination there can be the cases when for the authentication of a work of art, the Expert Council of Petr Konchalovsky Foundation will recommend carrying out additional researches. In this case Foundation fulfils them in coordination with the client.

- The examination of a work of art on its conformity to the certificate of authenticity of Petr Konchalovsky Foundation:
The client – applicant sends an application, pointing out the number of the certificate of authenticity of Foundation. The Council of Foundation defines with the applicant a date, time and a place of carrying out the examination. The applicant is obliged to give for examination both, the product and the original of certificate of authenticity of Petr Konchalovsky Foundation.
